
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Emergency expansion at Emergency Ward

The Emergency Ward of the Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial Hospital has been facing problems of over-crowding for a while now, and is now going to finally receive some expansion by the beginning of next year with the construction of an extension wing right next to the present ward, the construction of which has already started.
While speaking to NOW!, Dr Yogesh Verma [Principal Consultant cum Medical Superintendent at STNM Hospital] informed that the 20-bedded extension of the Emergency Ward which is being constructed right next to the present ward should be finished by the end-December and be made operational by January 2015. The expansion is being taken up as an emergency case. This extension, Dr. Verma said, will ease the problem of space, even though it will not solve the problem completely as demand is for still more space.

The work, he stated, is being carried out by the Engineering Cell of the Health Department.

1 comment:

  1. good news atlast...... we need 108 emergency services in Sikkim like assam , orrissa, delhi


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