
Monday, August 18, 2014

Training on ginger cultivation at Chalisey

GANGTOK, 14 Aug: One-day Farmers Training cum Awareness programme and Spice Clinic and Field Demonstration for Ginger Cultivation on Organic Agriculture Management was held at Chalisey, Rhenock on 13 August.
The programme was organized by Sikkim Organic Mission, FS & ADD, H&CCDD and Conservation of Nature, Culture, Environment and Development of Ecotourism (CONCEDE).
As per a press release, resource person Dr. AK Vijayan [Deputy Director of Spices Board Tadong] spoke on disease management and application of bio control agents in ginger. BA Gudade [Scientist-B] gave a lecture on organic cultivation of ginger while Concede Coordinator, RN Sharma also spoke on organic farming.
Progressive farmer Arjun Acharya, Panchayats DP Sharma and Sonam Bhutia also participated in the interaction. Later, field demonstration for ginger cultivation by Pseudomonas through spray was held.

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