
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Social Justice Minister convenes meeting with new Chairpersons

GANGTOK, 01 Aug [IPR]: Minister for Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department, Tulsi Devi Rai convened the first familiarization meeting with the newly appointed Chairpersons under the aegis of the Department at the conference hall of Samaj Kalyan Bhawan, Lumsey today.
The newly appointed Chairpersons were Sonam Dupden Lepcha, Primitive Tribe Welfare Board (PTWB), Manita Mangar, Other Backward Class Welfare Board (OBCWB); Phurba Sherpa, Juvenile Welfare Board (JWB); Shanta Ghatani, Sikkim Scheduled Caste Welfare Board (SSCWB); Pem Tshering Lama, Sikkim Scheduled Tribes Welfare Board (SCTWB); Indira Pradhan, Sikkim Welfare Commission (SWC); and Basant Lamichaney Sikkim SC,ST and OBC Development Corporation (SAABCO).
The meeting was mainly held to welcome the Chairpersons and also to familiarize them with the departmental officials and staffs.
Conveying her good wishes to the newly appointed Chairpersons, the Minister also solicited their coordination to fulfill the hopes and aspirations of the Sikkimese people. She touched upon the various welfare schemes, plans and proposals carried out by the department for the interest and welfare of the people and also appealed to them to be well versed with the schemes for better implementation at the grass root level.
She added that a lot needs to be done in the department as it directly deals with the well being of the downtrodden. Therefore better cooperation, coordination and team work amongst the officials and staffs is needed for the rapid development of the State.
Outlining responsibilities and duties of an individual, the Minister also hoped that the various schemes and proposals implemented by the department would reach the grass roots in a more coordinated manner, if every individual shoulders the responsibilities and duties in a proper manner. She also sought innovative ideas, proposals and advise from the Chairpersons for the smooth running of the department.
Earlier, a brief introductory address was also made by the Chairpersons.
Principal Secretary of the department, GP Upadhayay presented the welcome address and apprised the Chairpersons about the schemes, programmes and achievements of the department.
The programme rounded off with a vote thanks proposed by Additional Secretary cum Mission Director ICDS, BB Subba.

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