
Thursday, August 28, 2014

New organisation to take up fake CoI issue

GANGTOK, 27 Aug: A new organisation – the “Concerned Sikkimese People” - has been formed to take up the issue of fake Certificates of Identification [CoI] legally. The organisation has appealed to the people of Sikkim to join hands with them to provide justice to “genuine” Sikkimese people.
This organisation has been formed by a group of youth from different districts of the state and is being run by an adhoc committee at the moment. The organisation has formed legal cells at all four districts to look into the issue of fake CoIs.
Addressing a press conference today, coordinator for West district, Sonam Gyatso Sherpa stated that the state government has announced to give preference to domicile and CoI holders in all sectors. Despite a suspected list of 31,180 fake CoI holders in the state no appropriate action has been taken so far, he stated.
Mr Sherpa claimed that there are many working in different government departments who hold fake CoIs. If this issue is addressed it may help solve the unemployment problem in the state, he added.
The organisation has appealed to the District Collectors, panchayats and others concerned to undertake thorough and strict verification before issuing CoIs. Any lapses in the issuing of CoIs would be strongly opposed, it was added. The organisation has further said that it wants legal action against those holding fake CoIs in fast track courts.
The press conference was also addressed by Rinzing Namgyal Lepcha, Sonam Norbu Bhutia, Asish Gurung and Bikash Gurung. The organisation has also requested people to contact them if they have any information on fake CoIs at 95933-78598 or 90021-00220.

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