
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Health Minister represents Sikkim at conference of NE CMs

GANGTOK, 25 Aug [IPR]: Health Minister, AK Ghatani, represented Sikkim at the conference of Chief Ministers of the North Eastern states held at Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati on 21 and 22 August.
The conference was attended by Minister DONER and Chairman NEC, General VK Singh as the chief guest. Also present were Chief Ministers of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, MPs,  Secretary DONER, Youth and Sports Minister from Meghalaya, Chief Secretary, Secretaries, and senior officials from Govt. of India and North Eastern region.
While addressing the august gathering, Mr. Ghatani shared the achievements, progress and the various initiatives undertaken by the Govt. of Sikkim and informed that the state of Sikkim ranks first among North Eastern states in terms of implementation of NLCPR and NEC projects in the region.
Speaking on the status of the NLCPR and NEC projects in Sikkim he mentioned that 179 projects stand completed out of 233 sanctioned projects under NLCPR and 66 schemes are accomplished among 144 sanctioned schemes and the remaining projects and schemes are in progress, he informed.
He further said that the Sikkim Government has left no stone unturned while carrying out projects and schemes even with delays in receiving resource. The Minister further added that Sikkim has topped in the proper utilization of funds for accomplishment of work under NLCPR and NEC among all eight North Eastern states.
Speaking at the regional level conference, Mr. Ghatani focused on the scenario of Health, Education, Capacity Building, Tourism and Organic Mission of Sikkim wherein he highlighted the Chief Minister`s Comprehensive Annual and Total Checkup for Healthy Sikkim (CATCH) programme and construction of multi-specialty hospital at Sichey.
He further briefed on allocation of 20% of plan funds for quality education of children, CM meritorious scholarship programme, free education up to college level which has been announced by the state Government for COI holders, CM`s Self Employment scheme, strength of tourism industry in Sikkim and Organic Mission 2015 conceptualized by Chief Minister. During the two-day programme Minister DONER and Chairman NEC, General VK Singh also inaugurated the North Eastern Galaxy Skills Finishing School at VIP area, Airport road, Guwahati.
Mr. Ghatani also had a conversation with Minister DONER and Chairman NEC wherein he informed about the youth centric approach of the state government. He informed Mr. Singh about the establishment of Sikkim Youth Development Board and Culture, Drama & Music Board in the state and further urged for the release of funds in favor of the board to empower youth in the state.
Mr. Singh was impressed with the youth centric initiative of the state government and particularly applauded the organic mission of the state government. He was also informed about the condition of the National Highway from Sevoke to Nathula.

1 comment:

  1. Announce gardai ma sunai halnu parcha ... Fees purai free vaihaleco chaina ta...


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