
Sunday, August 10, 2014

BFAC formed at Khamdong

GANGTOK, 08 Aug: An orientation cum coordination meeting of Block Farmers’ Advisory Committee (BFAC) and Block Technology Team (BTT) was organized on 07 August by ATMA (East), FS&ADD at GVK, Khamdong.
As per a press release, the aim of the meeting was the formation of BFAC, consisting of about 25 farmers involved in farming practices like agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and animal husbandry irrespective of gender from different wards under the block. The responsibility of each committee member is to represent his/her respective village and discuss the plans to be made within the committee. The BTT on the other hand is a group of line departments and is headed by the convener. Its function is to provide technical guidance and any assistance as per the need of the village.  
The chief guest of the meeting, Deputy Director Animal Husbandry, East, Dr. Emila Shenga gave suggestions regarding the formation of the said committee and also assured departmental support in the near future. She stated that this is the first time that different departments have come together for a common cause i.e to bring in development in the block. Unlike before the work is now going to be done as per the requirement placed by the famers’ committee, she added.
BDO Khamdong, Shyam Lall Cintury extended his good wishes to the committee and encouraged the farmers to work together. Deputy Director Agriculture, East CM Upreti stressed upon the importance of each individual as a BFAC member. He stated that each person should now think for the respective village and its development when he/she is thinking about any decision to be made in future.
Mohan Singh Rai of Ralap ward was selected as the chairperson of the BFAC for a period of two years, it is informed.

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