
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tendong Lho Rum Faat to be celebrated on Mt Tendong this year

GANGTOK, 25 July: A meeting of Tendong Lho Rum Faat Celebration Committee was held under the chairmanship of the celebration committee president, Minister DT Lepcha here at the Tourism Department conference hall today. The meeting discussed various issues related to the celebration of Tendong Lho Rum Faat at Tendong on 08 August.
A press release of the celebration committee informs that since the Tendong summit was a holy place and related to the Lepcha community, the celebration committee has decided to celebrate the festival at Tendong itself this year.
Traditionally, while rituals are offered at the Tendong summit, the state-level celebrations have been held at more urban settings like Gangtok.
This year, the release informs that the rituals will be conducted Bongthings at Tendong from early morning on 08 August, while the main programme later in the day will have the Chief Minister as chief guest.
The release informs that the organizers decided to host the main celebrations at Tendong hill this time to make it an ecotourism destination.
The meeting has also handed over various responsibilities to different sub-committees and scheduled an inspection of Tendong for 27 July to finalise preparations required to host the festival there.
The meeting was attended by Ministers, MLAs, Sikkim Lepcha Association president, celebration committee members, officials of Forest and Tourism Department and others.

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