
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SPCC registers concern over shut down of schools and colleges, submits memorandum to CS

GANGTOK, 28 July: Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee [SPCC] submitted a memorandum to the Chief Secretary today regarding the closure of government schools and colleges till 01 August.
The party has expressed concern over this step taken by the state government and said that this could hamper the studies of students and affect completion of their academic syllabus on time. The SPCC has raised questions about the need and reason behind closing down schools and colleges in the state.
The party, in the memorandum, has demanded that directions be given to ensure that the syllabus is completed on time and HRDD provide extra classes free of cost to students pursuing higher education. It further demands that schools and colleges should remain open under all circumstances and the state ensure the safety of students.
Strict action should be taken against those involved in disturbing peace in the state while peaceful negotiations should be taken up to resolve issues, the memorandum states.  
The party has further demanded that the fees that were collected by the administrative bodies of schools and colleges be returned to the students within a stipulated time and such time should be determined by the concerned authority.

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