
Friday, July 4, 2014

SIMFED organizes GPU and ward level programme on Organic Farming and Internal Control Systems

GANGTOK, 03 July: GPU level Orientation Programme on Organic Farming and Certification was conducted by SIMFED in seven GPUs of North, East and South Sikkim from 23-30 June.
The programmes were held in Menrongong, Phensong and Kabi Tingda GPUs in North Sikkim on 23, 24, and 25 June respectively; Byeng Phegyong, Sirwani Chisopani and West Pendam GPUs of East Sikkim on 19, 26 and 28 June respectively and; Rateypani GPU of South Sikkim on 30 June, informs a SIMFED release.  
The resource persons for these programmes were RN Sharma (CONCEDE), Tashi Bhutia (IPL), Ramesh Sharma (IPL) supported by SIMFED ICS officials and staff. The programme saw the screening of the Prime Minister’s speech in the Parliament wherein Sikkim’s Organic Mission was spoken highly of and a short film on Organic Cultivation and after effects of inorganic farming with clippings of actor, Amir Khan’s T.V. serial “Satyamev Jayate” featuring Sikkim’s Organic Mission.
The gathering was informed about the details of Internal Control System, features of Organic Farming with organic methods of pest & disease management and soil fertility enhancement.
The programme witnessed a lot of interaction amongst the visiting resource persons, Line Department Officials, farmers and Panchayats. During the Interaction Sessions clarifications to questions and queries were made with regards to ICS, Organic Farming Certification and marketing of Organic produces, packages & practices of Kharif crops, the release mentions.
The Programme was also attended by Joint Director (Training) Sikkim Organic Mission, ND Bhutia, all Panchayats, members of Growers Group Committees, school children along with their teachers, VLWs, ADOs, Inspectors of the concerned line Departments along with the farmers.
The programmes in each of these GPUs concluded with plantation of saplings of various species of trees on the occasion of “Paryavaran Mahotsav”. On the occasion, short deliberation was also made to the gathering on conservation of nature and waste management including an interactive session. The plantation was carried out by the students, Panchayats, farmers, visiting Line Departmental Officials and resource persons along with SIMFED ICS field functionaries and officials.

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