
Monday, July 7, 2014

Khenchen Lha Tshering takes charge as Chief Abbot of Tashiding Monastery

GANGTOK, 06 July: Khenchen Lha Tshering was consecrated as the Chief Abbot of Tashiding Monastery on 01 July.
A press release from the Tashiding Monastery Duchi informs that the consecration ceremony was held with the consent of Odhar Choed Sum, Sangha, well wishers and zindag [sponsors] of Drakar Tashiding Monastery. Gonjang Rinpoche officiated the holy ceremony, it is informed.
Born on 02 July, 1960 at Silnon, Tashiding, to Tshering Wangdi Kaleonpa and Kaden Dokhampa, Khenchen Lha Tshering was  admitted to the Sangha of Tashiding Monastery at the age of 10 and, in 1972, accompanied Lama Geleg Rimpoche to Nyingsangang [near Gyalshing] where he spent four years receiving basic Buddhist teachings. At 16, he joined the Sikkim Institute of Higher Nyingma Studies [Denzong Sheda]. Dudjom Rinpoche identified Khenchenla as a Trulku (reincarnated body) of the combined soul of Kyabje Shugzung Trulku Tsultrim Zangpo and Kyabje Chotrul Gyurmed Dorjee and named him Trulku Chimed Tsultrim Gyurmed Rigzing Zangpo Lhawang Tshering Dorjee. He was consecrated and enthroned as such in 1986 by Chimed Rigzing Rinpoche at Khordong Monastery, Siliguri.
He was appointed Assistant Kyorpen at his alma mater the Denzong Shedra in 1982, in 1997, the Government of Sikkim and the Buddhist Sangha entrusted him with the task of Principal at the Shedra, a post he still occupies.

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