
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

HRDD defers reopening of Govt schools and colleges to 01 July

GANGTOK, 22 July: As a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of children studying in the Government schools all over the state, the Human Resource Development Department [HRDD] has shut down all the government schools and colleges till 31 July and a Notification regarding the same has been passed by the department. HRDD had directed that government schools and colleges reopen on 23 July.
HRDD officials inform that this decision has been taken in view of the disturbance created in the state by the student protest and to see to it that the school going children are not affected if any untoward situation is created again.
The notice explains the closure of schools to “conditions” not being “conducive to conduct classes”.
“Till we are sure that the situation is under control and there is no danger to the lives of the children we have decided to close down the schools and colleges,” HRD officials add.
The HRDD notice applies to government schools and private institutions have been advised to use their “own judgment” to decide on the course of action for their respective schools. Most private schools, it may have been noticed, had already reopened and held classes without any disruptions save a lot of rumours and speculations.
The Notification No: 179/DIR(HE)/HRDD, dated: 22/07/2014 states, “All government schools and colleges of the state shall remain closed till 30 July as conditions are not conducive to conduct classes. Classes shall resume from 01 August. Private Management Institutions are advised to act according to their own judgment. All Joint Directors of the Districts are requested to inform all the institutions in their districts.” It may be mentioned that 31 July is a holiday.
The Notification is signed by the Directors [School Education and Higher Education] and forwarded to the Additional District Collector.

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