
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dzongu MLA thanks public of Lum-Gor-Sangtok GPU

MANGAN, 30 June:  Deputy Speaker and MLA Dzongu, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha thanked the people of Lum-Gor-Sangtok GPU of Lower Dzongu for reposing their faith in the SDF party by casting high number of votes in its favour in the recently held elections.
Speaking during a function held at Sangtok JHS on 28 June, Mr Lepcha said, "I have come here to offer my sincere thanks to the people for extending support during the time of election".
Spelling out the action plan for the development of the area, he urged the people to place the developmental schemes in the upcoming gram  sabha. He further underlined that homestays and other tourist attraction points will be coming up in the GPU.
Mr. Lepcha further appealed to all the people to be more proactive for the development of Dzongu and be a part of the process. He also stressed on the importance of education since the government has provided all kinds of facilities in this sector.
The MLA also spoke about orange cultivation in the area where he said that oranges of Lum, Gor and Sangtok are the best in the state.

The function was welcomed by Zilla member, Chedup Lepcha and ended with the vote of thanks by Panchayat Sagyong ward, Topgay Lepcha.   Also present in the function were Gyan Ongrub Lepcha, Chung Chung Lepcha, Panchayat President, other panchayat members and general public.

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