
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Changes proposed in colour scheme for taxis

GANGTOK, 04 July: The Transport Department has proposed a modification in the colour scheme/ pattern of taxi vehicles. Certain proposals of the Department, though minor in nature, are likely to be interpreted as restrictive by many, especially taxi drivers. In particular would be the proposal that the colour in which a taxi vehicle is bought can no longer be changed apart from the hassle of having to spend money and time to make the necessary changes.
The Transport Department has proposed to make changes to the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 for which it is issuing a draft of the proposed amendments inviting objections and suggestions from all persons within a period of 45 days of the publication of the draft. Objections and suggestions from all persons will only be considered if they are forwarded within the stipulated 45 days.
According to the proposed amendment, the colour of the vehicles, namely taxi vehicles, cannot be changed anymore after purchase of the vehicle. As per the proposed rule, the colour of the vehicle will remain the same as is recorded in the purchase document.
Meanwhile, a new colour system has also been proposed by the Transport Department. According to this, Maruti Omni vans and similar vehicles are to have their entire rooftop painted yellow.
For contract carriages and other taxi vehicles the proposed colour scheme is that the whole bonnet portion be painted yellow.
No rationale has been attached to the proposed amendments.
The proposed amendment is to Rule 224 of the Sikkim Motor Vehicle Rules. Rule 224 of the said rules earlier required (by an amendment as recent as one made in November 2010) both front doors of Maruti Omni vans to have a circle of 24 cm diameter with yellow in the middle of 17 cm diameter and having green border of 3.5 cm width. For contract carriages and cars it was required that the bonnet be painted with a circle of a 35 cm diameter with yellow in the middle having diameter of 20 cm bordered with green consisting of 5 cm width.

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