
Friday, June 20, 2014

Shyari MLA accuses Panchayats of victimisation

GANGTOK, 19 June: Shyari MLA, Kunga Nima Lepcha has alleged victimization at the hands of the Panchayats of people who supported the Opposition.
In a press release, the Shyari MLA informs that he has submitted a representation to the Chief Secretary regarding the matter. He alleges that there have been several instances where villagers approaching Panchayats for recommendation have been turned down and asked to approach the people who they voted for in the recent elections.
Stating that Panchayats are constitutionally elected representatives mandated to serve people without discrimination and distinction on account of caste, creed, and religion, Mr Lepcha has mentioned that any such discrimination is against the principles of democracy, besides depriving innocent villagers of their democratic rights.

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