
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Printing and Stationeries Deptt holds coordination meeting

GANGTOK, 03 June [IPR]: Secretary, Printing and Stationeries Department, Government of Sikkim, CC Wangdi today called a co-ordination meeting at the Conference hall of Sikkim Press, in the presence of Director, Printing and Stationeries Department, GC Lepcha, officers and staff of the department.
In her address, the Secretary shared the directives laid down by the Chief Minister in his recent address to Heads of Departments in the meeting held at Samman Bhawan. Stressing on the need to maintain discipline and dedication towards service, she called for collective responsibility from all concerned sections of the Department to translate the direction of the Chief Minister into qualitative service, efficiency and systematized administration to achieve good governance in the state.
This can only be achieved if the officers and staff exhibit accountability and responsibility towards their duties, she added.
The Secretary was loud and clear in her directive to maintain punctuality at work and informed about the installation of Bio-metric machines to register daily attendance of officers and staff. In this regard, she directed the Department to work out budget provisions for immediate installation of this machine.
The Secretary also called for immediate compliance of the directive of the Government to make uniforms compulsory for regular Government drivers and peons. The Secretary further informed about the announcements made by the Chief Minister with regard to medical reimbursements, regularization of MR/Ad-hoc employees, and conversion of second Saturdays into working days.
She further directed the Department to submit relevant details of all the officers and staff of the Department within a week for onward submission to the Chief Minister's Office. The Secretary also seconded the direction issued by the Director that all concerned technical heads would have to come up with a project proposal enlisting the details of all the equipments currently in use in the Department, and list of requirements and up-gradations, if any.
The meeting was also addressed by the Director, Printing and stationeries Department. He called for collective responsibility to maintain cleanliness in the office compound. He maintained that the Department would take the directives of the government in its stride and would translate the Government's directives into action.
Earlier the staff and officers placed some demands like formation of service cadre, installation of internet line/connection, proper signage for identification of the Sikkim Press, fencing around the premises for demarcation and security point of view, sufficient and continuous power supply, ceiling fans, preventive and break-down maintenance mechanisms for machines, a designated area dedicated to archiving the rare printing machines and related equipments to show-case the vast resources of the department, organization of a library/archive section to store and exhibit the large volume of printing work carried out by the department, and proposal for a reception area/room where visitors can wait before meeting any officer or staff.
Secretary, Mrs. Wangdi assured that the demands have been well taken and adequate action would be taken in these regards. In her concluding remarks, the Secretary urged the officers and staff to look for
solutions while addressing any odd situation. She categorically stated that the department would not compromise in its effort to deliver on the vision and direction of the Government, and encouraged the officers and staff to work hand-in-glove with the Government in all capacities.
The meeting was conducted by Foreman, Ongdup Lepcha and the meeting concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Deputy Director-II, Bikash Rai.

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