
Monday, June 2, 2014

MG-NREGA Social Audit held for Chuba Phong GPU

GANGTOK, 01 June: MGNREGA Social Audit Jan Sunwai of Chuba Phong GPU was held at Chuba Phong Gram Prasashan Kendra, South Sikkim on 30 May. The Jan Sunwai was specially conducted for the Completed/Ongoing  and Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) - CMRHM works implemented during the financial year 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-2014.
As per a press release, District Resource Institution (DRI) South, Pacific Club facilitated the Jan Sunwai under the guidance of Social Audit Unit (SAU), Sikkim, Voluntary Health Association of Sikkim (VHAS). Chief guest of the day was Zilla Panchayat Member, Hari Gurung.
The programme started with the welcome address by Panchayat Member, Arun Kumar Gurung after which State Resource Person, South, Sajani Rai briefed about the objectives of the Jan Sunwai. She highlighted the importance of the Jan Sunwai and the roles and responsibilities of the Job card holder, GRS, Panchayat and concerned Officials.
District Resource Person (DRP) South, Chandra Pd. Subba and Rupen Sharma conducted a scheme wise presentation. There were altogether 17 works, among those 17 works, 8 completed works under MGNREGA Scheme and 3 completed works under IAY-CMRHM and rest 6 works were ongoing, the release informs.
It was informed that audit has been done of 8 CC Footpath works, 4 Roof Water Harvesting Tank works, One Extension of Playground and One Dhara Vikas work. Total amount sanctioned for the audited schemes was Rs 97,71,713 while the audited amount of the day was Rs. 59,17,477, the release mentions.
Some of the issues raised during the Jan Sunwai were need for Citizen Information Board to be displayed in all the worksites, provision of worksite facilities in all the worksites, etc.
GVA Namthang, Robin P. Sewa, MIS Coordinator, Naresh Pradhan and the chief guest of the day, Hari Gurung also addressed the Jan Sunwai.

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