
Monday, June 16, 2014

Fortnight-long Paryavaran Mahotsav launched

GANGTOK, 15 June [IPR]: Paryavaran Mahotsav for the year 2014 was officially launched by Minister, Forest Environment &Wildlife Management Department, Tshering Wangdi Lepcha, at MG Marg here today.
A Poster on the birds of Sikkim was released during the programme which also included the distribution of dustbins and garbage bags. Symbolizing the launch of the programme seedlings vans were flagged off by the Forest Minister followed by a ceremonial plantation.
To commemorate the event “Paryavaran Mahotsav” [from 15 to 30 June] this year various activities such as massive plantation drives, cleanliness drives, Greenathon (Run for Green and Clean Sikkim on 22 June), signature campaign, eco-competitions at schools, release of Go-Green stickers and dustbin for garbage at selected places, awareness campaigns, etc. are being organized throughout the State.
The Minister has appealed for participation of all sectors from Panchayats to local people, private entrepreneur, Government agencies, private and public sector institutions, school, colleges, NGOs, Self Help Groups, Joint Forest Management Committees, Eco Development Committees, Pokhari Sangrakshan Samities, Press, Media to render their proactive role in achieving the objectives of  Paryavaran Mahotsav.
Bimal Dawari [Zilla Adyaksha East], Shakti Singh [Deputy Mayor], Arvind Kumar [Principal Secretary cum PCCF], Anil Mainra [PCCF Environment], S B S Bhadauria [Special PCCF Cum Project Director], senior officers and staff of Forest department were present during the launch programme.

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