
Monday, June 2, 2014

Ecclesiastical Affairs Deptt convenes coordination meeting

GANGTOK, 01 June: Following the instructions of the Chief Minister issued during his first meeting with Cabinet Ministers and State Administrative machinery held on 29 May 2014 at Samman Bhawan, a co-ordination meeting of Ecclesiastical Affairs Department was held on 30 May 2014.
As per an official press release, the meeting was chaired by Secretary, Ecclesiastical Affairs and attended by all Officers and Staff of the Department. The Secretary categorically briefed the instructions given by the Chief Minister and directed all Officers and staff to adhere to the instructions seriously.
He stressed upon the punctuality and attendance of the Officers and Staff and directed to introduce the thumb impression attendance in the office immediately. He also directed to adopt the practices of good governance in the office so that the public may not suffer and should provide one day services to the people, the release mentions.
He requested everyone to cooperate and work as a team in the Department and also conveyed the instructions that in a week, officers below the level of Deputy Secretary/Deputy Director are to stay in office for two days and conduct field inspection for the remaining four work days. They are to submit the tour report immediately, he added.
Similarly, officers above the rank of Joint Secretary and equivalent will have to stay in office for three days and conduct a tour for the other three days and submit report accordingly. Moreover, he also stressed upon the fact that the single window system should be implemented effectively and that the records and the data pertaining to the concerned Department should be kept up-to-date so that they are readily available.
The Secretary concluded the meeting by conveying the Chief Minister’s message that any suggestion and advice from the government employees are welcome, it is added.

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