
Monday, June 23, 2014

Deepa Malik in Sikkim to inspire its young REBYNA RANA

GANGTOK, 22 June: “If we see failure as a failure then we will never move on in life. Instead, we must take failures as opportunities and only then will we emerge successful. Hard work pays off in the long run,” shared Arjuna Awardee 2012, Deepa Malik, during a program held at Community Hall, Pakyong on Saturday. Governor Shriniwas Patil was also present during the programme.
42-year-old Deepa Malik is the first ever Paraplegic Indian sportswoman. A Biker, car rallyist, Swimmer, motivational speaker and entrepreneur she started her sports career at the age of 35. On Saturday, she was in Sikkim to inspire its young.
The program, “Grit & Determination - The Story of a Champion”, was organized at Pakyong by the Young Indian - The voice of Young Indians Globally. This is her second visit to Sikkim. Her first visit to Sikkim was in 1979.
Deepa Malik is also the founder of “WOW - Will on Wheels” and has won numerous honors for her participation in various events. She has participated in many educational conclaves as a motivational and inspirational speaker. Ms Malik has won 12 International and 52 national and state medals till now.
Speaking on the importance of setting goals for oneself, she said that one should set goals that are specific, time bound and realistic. One should focus on quality and not quantity, she added.
Highlighting that children are the future of the country she said, “We should shower happiness and love on all differently-abled children because disappointments will prevent them from succeeding in life”.
In his address, Governor Patil said, “I am very privileged to come across a woman with such determination. We must all salute her”.
The Governor who has also been working for the cause of disabled people assured all support to Deepa Malik. He further expressed gratitude to Ms Malik for sharing her inspirational story.
The program was also attended by the Chairperson for Child Human Right Commission, Manita Pradhan, Chief Learning Officer for 24 Hours Inspired, Dewakar Basnet, members of Spastics Society of Sikkim [students and staffs], Gangtok, including 5 schools from Pakyong and Gangtok.
The program also saw cultural performances by the students of Spastics Society of Sikkim.

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