
Friday, June 6, 2014

Aspiring coaches begin AFC conducted C-Certificate course

GANGTOK, 05 June: The Asian Football Confederation’s ‘C-Certificate’ coaching course for aspiring coaches of Sikkim began here at the Football House of Sikkim Football Association today.
Out of 38 who had applied for the course from all over the State, AFC shortlisted 24 for the present course which is scheduled to continue till 15 June. The training is being imparted by M. Savio of the AFC.
Addressing the inaugural function this morning, SFA general secretary Menla Ethenpa, underined that this course was purely for aspiring coaches, who, once they acquire this certificate will be professionally qualified for basic coaching tasks. He informed that this course was last conducted in Sikkim in 2006 when 14 of 18 participants had successfully completed the course.
Mr Ethenpa highlighted that the return of this training to Sikkim will prove very beneficial to aspiring coaches here. He informed that SFA has already requested AFC for a second round of this training to accommodate applicants who were left out this time and include some more.
Mr Ethenpa urged the participants to complete the course in earnest to take advantage of this opportunity.
Mr. Savio, in turn, expressed happiness over SFA’s desire to conduct such a useful course for aspiring local coaches. He mentioned that along with footballers, there was need to develop and nurture coaches and referees for the overall development of football in the region.
Mr Savio invited participants to come forward with their queries and doubts during the training to take full advantage of the course.
Former SFA president, Tempo Bhutia also encouraged the participants to attend all sessions of the training.

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