
Friday, May 23, 2014

UGC team to inspect SMU

GANGTOK, 22 May: A team from the University Grants Commission is due to pay an inspection visit to the Sikkim Manipal University. It is informed that the inspection team from the UGC will be inspecting the Sikkim Manipal University on 23 and 24 May.
The inspection report of the UGC after it conducts its inspection of the SMU will supposedly be instrumental in deciding whether the SMU can continue with its distance education course. The SMU has opened several centres of learning outside the state of Sikkim through its distance education course programme and there are scores of students who are currently enrolled in various courses offered by SMU through its distance education programme.
However the authority of the SMU to open distance education centres outside the state of Sikkim was challenged by IGNOU. The 40th meeting of the Distance Education Council of IGNOU had decided not to allow SMU to continue with its distance education beyond the boundaries of Sikkim. In fact this decision pertains to all universities operating distance education courses. This decision of IGNOU was taken in June, 2012. At present, there are around 2.5 lakh students from all over the country enrolled in various courses offered by SMU through its distance education programme.
Following the controversy the SMU approached the High Court of Sikkim seeking to validate its legitimacy to continue with its distance education programmes. While the case is pending, the high court had earlier permitted the continuation of distance education by SMU subject to the final decision of the court in the matter.


  1. has Ugc submitted its report < can any one confirm its contents

  2. Now what is the status of sikkim manipal university.

  3. What's next now !? When we ll get the final result ... Its been more than two years the case is running.. :(

  4. There is hearing from Supreme High Court between 13th to 20th of April 2015.

  5. I think its in favour of SMU

  6. the judgement is announced on 26th june 2015

  7. i don't think so ugc is doing fair with Sikkim manipal university it playing games with it sikkim manipal university appeal in supreme court i am not satisfied decision of high court


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