
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Segregation of postal ballot papers and sealing in North district

MANGAN, 13 May: Segregation of postal ballot papers and sealing process of North district was held at District Magistrate (N) office, North district today in the presence of RO, TN Kazi, ARO, Raj Yadav, SDM Dzongu and all political party representatives. Ballot papers of other districts will be dispatched under the supervision of election department and party representatives on 14 May.
The total number of postal ballot papers received and segregated till today for Assembly and Sangha elections, constituency wise is Kabi-Lungchok (305), Dzongu (170), Lachen-Mangan (154) and Sangha (11). Similarly, the total numbers of postal ballot papers received for Lok Sabha (Parliamentary) elections till today is 735.

It was informed to all the political parties that the postal ballot papers will be received till 16 May upto 8 am, after which no ballot papers will be accepted. The party representatives have been told to be in the District Collector’s office on 15 May by 2 30 pm for the inclusion of postal ballots received from other districts of the state.

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