
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Scouts & Guides of Dalapchand and Aritar schools trek to Phusrey Lake

RONGLI, 12 May: Two-day trekking tour to Phusrey Lake was organized by Scouts and Guides of two schools; Dalapchand Secondary School and Aritar Secondary School. Suman Chettri, Suresh Rai and Harka Bhadhur Pradhan were the Scout Master and escort teachers from Aritar School while SD Bhutia, was the Scout Master from Dalapchand SS.
The Scouts and Guides of the two schools along with their Scout Teachers and escorting teachers started their journey from Aritar SS at 9.30 am and reached the famed Phursey Lake at 1.30 pm. After lunch, they pitched the tents for the night halt. The next morning the team hiked till Neora Wildlife Sanctuary. While returning to their base they cleaned the Phursey Lake surroundings that was littered with waste thrown by visitors during the recent Ramnawami celebration.
The Scouts and Guides team returned to Aritar SS late in the afternoon where they were joined by Phadamchen SS, Sudunglakha SS and Mulukay JHS for an evening camp fire and cultural programme. Senior citizen, KK Chettri was the chief guest on the occasion. Suman Chettri conducted the programme while SD Bhutia gave the vote of thanks. [from SHITAL PRADHAN]

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