
Monday, May 12, 2014

Krishi Vigyan Kendra convenes annual meeting

GANGTOK, 09 May: Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s Annual Meeting was conducted at the conference hall of Food Security and Agriculture Development Department, here at Krishi Bhawan on 08 May. The meeting was chaired by Director, Agriculture, Ashal Thapa.
A press release informs that NT Bhutia [KVK Research] conducted the meeting while it was attended by PK Dewan [Additional Director, Field Crops], Passang Tamang [SE, Engineering Cell], Tshering Thendup [Programme Coordinator, North], Dr. Laxuman Sharma [Programme Coordinator, West], Tilak Gajmer [Programme Coordinator, South] along with Subject Matter Specialists [SMS], Farm Managers and Accountants of KVKs.
The Programme Coordinators [PCs] from three KVKs (North, South and West) presented their reports through Power Point Presentation. The presentation covered the present status of the KVKs vis-a-vis Staff Strength, Field Activities, Training Programmes and the progress made by the KVKs in the districts.
After the presentation made by the three PCs of the district KVKs, the Director Agriculture, had an interaction with the Programme Coordinators and Subject Matter Specialists. During the interaction the SMSes expressed their satisfaction on working for the farming community of the state, the release mentions.
Director Agriculture, Ashal Thapa, in his speech expressed his happiness over the success stories presented in the meeting. He also emphasized on having a Jal Kund, (Dugout Pond ) in all the three KVKs.  To go organic, continuous irrigation and manure is imperative so a water resource in the farm of KVKs for the crops is necessary, he added.
Mr Thapa further said that KVK farms should be an example for the farmers of the area and people should be encouraged by the set-up of the farms of the department. He also stated that there should be proper documentation of all the activities of the KVKs.

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