
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Committee set up to review NTTF’s consultancy services to ATTC and CCCT

GANGTOK, 06 May: The State government has constituted a committee to assess the impact of the consultancy services being provided by a Bangalore-based firm to two technical institutes in the state.
The committee, headed by the Director, Technical Education, as Chairman will assess the impact of services and other support provided by Nettur Technical Training Foundation (NTTF), Bangalore, to manage the affairs of Advanced Technical Training Centre (ATTC), Bardang, East Sikkim and Centre for Computers and Communication Technology (CCCT), Chisopani, South Sikkim.
The firm has been providing services to these institutes since the year 2002 following a Memorandum of Understanding which will end on 30 June this year.
As per an official communiqué, eleven years since the MoU was signed between the state and NTTF, the department has now felt it necessary to examine the impact of technical consultancy and other supports being provided by the firm to the two institutes vis a vis the consultancy fees paid.
Further the committee is also to examine whether these two institutes had enough handholding in the last 11 years and whether they can now be managed independently without the handholding from NTTF.
The committee will also examine whether the technical consultancy and other support of NTTF should be continued in managing the two institutes. In the event that the two institutes are to be managed independently, the committee is to recommend as to how the transition process is to take place. If the committee comes to the conclusion that the consultancy is to be continued then there have to be suggestions from the committee on conditions or changes in the clauses of the existing MoU.
The report of the committee is expected to be submitted by the end of this month.
The committee also includes the Registrar, Sikkim Manipal University and the Vice Principals, ATTC and CCCT.

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