
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Sikkim: An Island in the Sky
SBS BHADAURIA, Special PCCF cum Member Secretary, Sikkim Biodiversity Board.
Uniquely positioned in the highest mountains in the world, the great Himalayas, Sikkim is a veritable horse-shoe shaped “Island in the Sky”, a hotspot of biological diversity in the Eastern Himalayas and part of the Endemic Bird Area. Biological diversity or the variety of life forms found here, is by far the richest in the Indian subcontinent, separated as it is, from the rest of the world by the Singhalila and Chola Mountain Ranges on either side and bounded by the great Tibetan plateau to the north. Our rich biodiversity includes not only wild orchids, rhododendrons, conifer trees, hornbills, pheasants, sunbirds, swallowtail butterflies, snow leopards, red pandas and other creatures, but also domesticated plants like ‘Murali Makai’, Krishnabhog Rice, Siri Cattle, and Banpala Sheep, and even microbial diversity such as is found in ‘Kinema’ and other fermented foods.
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. The theme this year of Island Biodiversity was chosen to coincide with the designation by the United Nations General Assembly of 2014 as the International Year of Small Island Developing States.
Islands and their surrounding areas constitute unique ecosystems often comprising many plant and animal species that are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth. Legacies of a unique evolutionary history, these ecosystems are irreplaceable treasures. They are also key to the livelihood, economy, well-being and cultural identity of 600 million islanders—one-tenth of the world’s population.
Sikkim being situated in a Himalayan belt comprises mostly of lakes totaling over 227. This huge number renders it with rich wetland biodiversity. A wetland is a unique ecosystem that supports many species of flora and fauna. It is also a storehouse of clean water supply, scenic beauty educational and recreational benefits to the Himalayan people and important for our very survival. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimates that wetlands cover 7% of the earth’s surface and deliver 45% of the world’s natural productivity and ecosystem services. However, the very existence of these unique resources is under threat. With the aim of generating awareness amongst the younger generation and masses about the unique wetland biodiversity, Sikkim Biodiversity Board will be celebrating IBD-22 May 2014 in all four districts of Sikkim under the theme “SIKKIM - An Island in the Sky”
The celebration of IDB (2014) will be done through diverse programmes such as Quiz / Painting / Essay competitions, Exhibitions, Awareness programmes on Biodiversity, Bird & Butterfly–watching, Indigenous Agriculture Varieties, Biodiversity in and around Villages, and Field trip to Forest/Wildlife Sanctuaries / Himalayan Zoological Park at the following venues in the respective districts of the state:
North Sikkim: Hee-Gyathang Sr. Secondary School
South Sikkim: Payong Junior High School
East Sikkim: Pangthang Junior High School
West Sikkim: Khandu Secondary School
The Sikkim Biodiversity Board welcomes one and all to celebrate our unique biodiversity individually or collectively on this day, 22 May 2014. We request you to share your celebrations with us at the contact below:
- Usha Lachungpa, Additional Director (SBB) – 9434025273
- Peggyla T. Venchungpa, Asst. Conservator of Forest (SBB) – 9679743324
Email address:

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