
Monday, April 7, 2014

SOS organises birding prog at Enchey school

GANGTOK, 06 Apr: Sikkim Ornithological Society [SOS], on invitation from the NSS of Enchey Senior Secondary School, organised an orientation program on ‘Birding and Bio-diversity issues in Sikkim’ at the school’s auditorium on 04 April 2014.
A press release informs that the SOS comprising of president Usha Lachungpa, general secretary Karma Tempo, executive member Niraj Thapa and treasurer Pempa Tshering gave an informative power point presentation based on the bio diversity of Sikkim.
The students were also taught the basics of Bird Watching while a fun filled quiz 'Bird Brains' generated an overwhelming response from the eager students. The SOS members also gifted the school with a bird calendar and posters based on the rich bio diversity of Sikkim, the release mentions.

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