
Friday, March 21, 2014

Governor announces institution of Gold Medal for flower show winners

GANGTOK, 20 Mar: Governor Shriniwas Patil has announced the decision to institute Governor’s Gold Medal, Silver Medal and Bronze Medal’ to be presented to the winners and runners up of the annual Flower Show competition from next year onwards to commemorate the 25th  edition of the show which would also be the Silver Jubilee edition of the show.
The Governor made the announcement during his visit to the Sikkim Flower Show at the Flower Exhibition Centre near White Hall complex on 19 March. He was accompanied by the First Lady, Rajanidevi Patil.
A press release informs that the Governor and First Lady were accorded a warm welcome by members of the organising committee at the venue which showcased a variety of orchids grown in Sikkim. The organising committee is headed by former PCCF-cum-Secretary, Forest Department, ST Lachungpa.
Addl. Director (Floriculture) Horticulture & Cash Crop Development Department, Deo Kumar Bhandari also being the general secretary of the committee explained to the Governor and First Lady about the varieties, hues, hybrids and the technical aspects of orchid cultivation in the state of Sikkim outlining the format of the competition which had attracted wide range of participants from across the state.
While congratulating the winners of the competition, the Governor announced to institute ‘Governor’s Gold Medal, Silver Medal and Bronze Medal’ to be presented to the winners and runners up of the competition from next year onwards to commemorate the 25th  edition of the show which would also be the Silver Jubilee edition of the show.
The Governor further expressed his desire to expand the scale and scope of the annual event, inviting the participants from neighbouring hill areas of the state in an effort to encourage the orchid growers both within and outside the state and providing them better exposure.

Lauding the effort put in by the organisers, Governor also provided some practical inputs to publicise the event at the national level making the event a ‘Mega Show’ annually, the release mentions.

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