
Thursday, March 27, 2014


NAMCHI, 26 Mar: After taking a day’s rest on Tuesday, Sikkim Democratic Front party president, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling resumed his election campaign tour of South Sikkim today with a well-attended public meeting at Temi bazaar for the Temi-Namphing constituency.
While addressing the gathering, Mr. Chamling announced that in the next term, he would also work on preparing educated party youth to succeed him and lead the party and the State in the future.
“I will now groom my replacement,” he said.
In this regard, he appealed to the educated youth and women to take a more active part in politics.
Stating that SDF was a pro-youth party, the Chief Minister said that during the 20 years of SDF government, youth have been empowered, inspired and groomed and never misguided.
He stressed that the party and its government have devoted time, policies and funds towards empowering and grooming the youth. The focus has consistently been to make the youth self-reliant and infused with self-respect.
A major portion of such aims now complete, “I want to hand over the future of Sikkim to them”, he stated, reiterating that the next generation of the party’s and the State’s leadership will be groomed now.
He also highlighted the salient features of the party manifesto in his address and underlined that the upcoming election was as much about endorsing the development secured for Sikkim in the past two decades by the SDF Government as it was about giving continuity to the process and ensuring quality completion to works still in progress.
About the Opposition in the State, he alleged that there were factions in the opposition which believed in violence more than policies and plans.
Also in his address today, he appealed to the business community of the state to contribute in the politics of Sikkim and participate proactively in it. He said that during the SDF regime, the business community of the state has been provided with a lot of opportunities along with peace and security. Business has bloomed in Sikkim under the SDF government and the business community has never been threatened, he said further adding that the party has never asked them to shut down their shops or asked for donations or intimidated them in any way. Such oppression was commonplace in pre-SDF Sikkim, he reminded.
To meet the demands of the business community, a business community welfare board will be set up in the next government, he added. He urged the community to support the party for its programmes and policies.
The next SDF government will focus on providing Scheduled Tribe status to all the communities of Sikkim he said further reiterating his commitment to providing reservation for Limboos and Tamangs in the state assembly in his next government. “I will utilize my experience of 20 years for the welfare of Sikkimese people,” he added.
He appealed to the people to vote for SDF after considering the works it has done in the state in the past 20 years.
Alleging that opposition parties are only misleading the people of Sikkim, Mr Chamling said that these parties do not have any policies or programmes and hence are leveling baseless allegations on SDF.
The CM also assured that Temi Tarku will be developed into a prominent tourism destination to boost tourism sector of the state in the fifth term of the SDF government.
Lok Sabha candidate of the party, PD Rai in his address assured to take up the pending demands of the Sikkimese people at the centre. While party candidate for the constituency, GM Gurung assured to complete all the pending development works of the constituency in the next SDF government.

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