
Monday, February 10, 2014

Second list of 1,720 temp employees forwarded to Cabinet for regularisation

GANGTOK, 09 Feb: Following close on the heels of the service regularization process for temporary employees with 15 years and above of service in both muster roll and work charged basis by the government in the last week of December, the State government has now prepared the list of temporary employees with 10 years and above of service.
This, as announced by the Chief Minister earlier, is the second phase of regularization of the temporary employees.
The list, as drawn up by the Department of Personnel, was submitted to the Finance Department late last month for financial concurrence of the additional expenditure on salaries. Thereafter, it is informed, the proposal was put up to the Cabinet for approval.
As of now, officials inform that the total number of temporary employees with more than 10 years of service comes to 1,720. This is the number of all temporary employees with 10 years and above of service including MR, WC, ad-hoc and consolidated as of 31 January 2013.
However, with the additional direction from the State government to consider employees with 10 years plus service till 31 March 2013 the department will be updating its list to accommodate those employees who make the grade with the additional two months as well.
The total number of MR and ad-hoc employees with more than 10 years of service is 1,533. For this number, the additional burden on the state exchequer in the event of their regularisation comes to Rs. 24.69 crore a year. The total number of work charged employees with more than 10 years service is at 187 and the financial implications per year is an additional Rs. 8.54 crore. Total financial implication in payment of salaries and other benefits for regularization of the total number of 1720 employees is at Rs. 33.23 crore a year.
As for the first phase in which the DoP had identified 4,002 temporary employees with 15-plus years of service, the Cabinet had in December approved the creation of a like number of posts in group C and D categories. For this category the regularization process has been initiated, it is informed.
As part of the regularization process, the government has introduced new nomenclatures for the group C and D posts. The three new posts introduced are Junior Driver, Office Assistant (LDC etc) and Office Attendant (peon etc). Those already working in such posts will be absorbed in their existing capacities.
However, there are also those posts which are not included in the official government nomenclature such as Field Assistant, Meter Reader etc. It is expected that the government will formulate new nomenclatures for such posts, now that they are deemed to be regular.
The muster roll employees being regularized will see their salaries almost doubled, it is informed. The additional financial implication is due to the increased salary as well as other financial benefits which accrue to regular employees such as HRA etc. For those under Work Charged, the salaries would remain the same, it is informed.

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