
Monday, February 3, 2014

Off-season vegetable seeds and fertilizers distributed in Lachung

GANGTOK, 02 Feb: The Horticulture and Agriculture department distributed off-season vegetable seeds and organic fertilizers and micro nutrients to farmers of Lachung in the presence of the Pipon on 31 January.
A press release informs that Jt. Director Agriculture, TT Lepcha and Dy Director Horticulture, North, Dawa Tshering Bhutia and HDO, Rinzing Bhutia were present on the day and explained the future scope and importance of organic farming to the farmers of Lachung.
Around 175 farmers were also trained on seed treatment with Beeja Amrit and Jeewa Amrit. The role and use of soil application of micro nutrients and bio fertilizers for organic farming was explained to the farmers, the release informs.
90% farmers were registered in the ICS for organic farming and the rest will be covered very soon informed PI of the Project. The Pipon informed that practical demonstration for making herbal pesticide will be given to the farmers in the month of April by service providers ITSL, the release adds.

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