
Saturday, February 15, 2014

NHPC conducts free medical camp and awareness at Makha

GANGTOK, 14 Feb: A “Free Medical Camp cum Awareness Campaign” was organized at Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Makha (East Sikkim) by NHPC Limited, Teesta-V Power Station today.
A press release informs that the camp was inaugurated by Dr. LB Singh [Chief Medical Officer, Teesta-V Power Station, NHPC Ltd.], in the presence of KB Chhetri [Panchayat President], Krishna Regmi [Panchayat General Secretary], Bimla Rai, Malti Chhetri, panchayat members from Patuk-Singbel GPU and many other people from the area.
Thereafter, awareness session started with a presentation on HIV/AIDS, family planning and on prevalent diseases like Dengue, etc.  by Kishore Thapa [District Health Education Officer, District Hospital Singtam, East  Sikkim]. After the session, medical team from NHPC comprising three doctors and ten paramedical staff examined the patients for multiple ailments and prescribed suitable medicines to 140 patients who had turned up at the medical camp today. Free medicines were distributed to patients who were also advised to visit NHPC Hospital, Balutar for further consultation.
Panchayat members and locals appreciated the NHPC Management and doctors for organizing such public welfare camps, the release states. The NHPC Management thanked the Chief Medical Officer, Singtam and local administration for extending necessary co-operation for organizing the medical camp.  

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