
Monday, February 17, 2014

Golay reiterates claim of support of all youth for elections 2014

SINGTAM, 16 Feb: Sikkim Krantikari Morcha president, PS Tamang [Golay], insisted today that the SKM campaign was a non-violent movement launched to free Sikkim from what it sees as a dictatorial regime which toyed with the sentiments and aspirations of the people. Mr. Tamang was addressing a zonal party meeting organized by the party’s farmer and labour wings.
“This is not the Sikkim or the youth of the 1990s, these are the youth of the 21st Century and youth is power now; a force which is educated and informed now desirous and ready for change,” he said, adding that the youth were ready to fight for change and even sacrifice their lives for it if the need arose.
“The youth of Sikkim have awoken and are ready to fight for change and if needed then I will myself come forward to fight for that change,” he said.
Mr. Tamang, who was clearly out of favour with the ruling front at the time of the last elections itself but went on win on an SDF ticket, was kept out of the Cabinet after having served three consecutive terms as Minister, and resigned from the party and automatically losing his MLA berth earlier this year, stated today that he has not been sitting idle since 2009. He has been preparing and readying the youth of the State for the movement for change.
He went on to announce that the full strength of the SKM’s youth has not been presented yet and will be unveiled at the right moment.
He alleged that the ruling party was spending heavily on party meetings and party promotion and bring people from outside the State to bolster its ranks. He contended that the ruling front does not have youth with it anymore and said that SDF be held responsible if any law & order situation arises when the SKM youth take to the streets in the coming days to protest instigation by SDF.
He went on to dismiss recent policy announcements and the janta melas as face-savers by the SDF Government in a last ditch effort to woo the people with freebies and announcements. These, he said, will not bear fruit. He also challenged the State Government to prove its allegations against him and also claimed credit for the regularization of temporary employees being undertaken by the State Government. This move, he said, came because SKM announced regularization of all temporary employees when it comes to power.

1 comment:

  1. the peoples of sikkim has strong desire for political change, whatever the present govt, doing it will not help them to maintain status QUO, whatever Mr, chamiling did in last 20 years, all dis may be good, but,its completely failed to help to bring overal developement of sikkim and educated youth,, so we are going to change our govt dis time,,,,


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