
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CM announces two more floors for CMRHM houses

NAMCHI, 04 Feb [IPR]: “Sikkim was governed for more than 332 years by many dynasties and political parties but none worked towards uplifting the poor. It is only the SDF Government which has worked for the poor with a long term people-centric vision,” said Chief Minister Pawan Chamling while addressing the Gram Swaraj Mela or Janata Mela organized by RMDD today for South District at Assangthang Helipad, Namchi.
He added that progress has reached every nook and corner of Sikkim under the present government and the government has also worked to empower the poor in every way.
Mr Chamling informed the mammoth gathering of more than twenty thousand people gathered at the venue about the government’s plan to add two more floors to the CMRHM houses, one floor after the elections and the third one later making the CMRHM house a complete three-storied building.
The government’s next step is to provide medical advance of Rs 2 lakh to people belonging to BPL section informed Mr Chamling. Sharing the vision of the government in developing the state, he said that within two years Sikkim will become the only ‘Kutcha House Free State’ in the country.
The initial aim of the present government was to uplift the poorer section of the society and has been in action since then dedicating all of the works towards strengthening the rural areas and rural people of the state, said Mr Chamling.
“Unlike its predecessors, the present government today has maintained a democratic environment where the people are their own masters and not a slave to anybody. The various self-reliant schemes endorsed by the government and utilized by the public only goes to support it and make it realistic”, underlined the Chief Minister.
Highlighting the various basic schemes and amenities provided by the government, he said that all the basic amenities and schemes are found free of cost here in the state to better the lives of the Sikkimese people whether in the sector of education, health, social, professional or any other essential field. He informed that at present in Sikkim about one lakh eleven thousand people are receiving rice at the subsidized rate of Rs 2 per kg.
On this note, the Chief Minister asked all the beneficiaries to collect their tokens from their respective GVKs within 15 days before the upcoming elections. He assured that in case of genuine beneficiaries whose names have not been included in the list, the matter would be looked into by the government.
While sharing the achievements of the government, he said that educating the youth would be top priority and urged the youth to avail of all the opportunities. He called upon the parents and elders of the society to motivate and encourage the youth to educate themselves at the highest level. He further urged the youth to choose a constructive path and not get misguided by rumors spread by vested interests and other anti-social elements.
The Chief Minister also congratulated Panchayat President of Tingmo Lamaten GPU, South District, Mingma Sangay Sherpa for the National Award for Excellence in GPU category and RMDD for the National Award for Excellence in MG-NREGA in State category.
During the program, the Chief Minister handed away tokens to many beneficiaries from different constituencies of South District. Line department stalls were set up to distribute the tokens while the beneficiaries are required to collect their benefits from their respective GVKs.
Minister RMDD, CB Karki also gave details about today’s program. Earlier RMDD Secretary, DR Nepal welcomed the gathering while ADC (Dev), Benu Gurung ended the program with the vote of thanks.

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