
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

AVECS thanks CM and State govt

GANGTOK, 02 Feb: Association of Various Ethnic Communities of Sikkim [AVECS] held a meeting on Saturday to thank the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling and the state government for their efforts in getting the eleven left-out communities of the state recognised as Scheduled Tribes.
A press release informs that member of the association from Khas (Chettri-Bahun), Newar, Gurung, Mangar, Dewan (Yakha), Sunuwar-Mukhia, Thami, Bhujel, Jogi-Sanyasi and Kirat Khambu Rai communities thanked the Chief Minister of Sikkim and the Government of Sikkim for having recommended their communities for recognition as Scheduled Tribes under the Constitution of India.
The members also thanked the CM and the Sikkim Government for having constituted several Committees of renowned Anthropologists and Sociologists like Prof BK Roy Burman, Prof AC Sinha, Prof TB Subba, etc for compilation and submission of Executive Reports in 2008, etc.
The Chief Minister has submitted several memorandums to the Prime Minister of India, Dr Man Mohan Singh, Chairman UPA, Sonia Gandhi, the Union Tribal and Home Ministers and even the President of India on the issue through the Social Welfare Department, GOS.
“It is heartening to know that the Govt. of India has scrutinised(Studied) the various memorandums and Ethnographic Reports and recommended 58 communities from seven States of India, including the eleven left out communities of Sikkim for Scheduled Tribe status under the Constitution of India and that the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt of India has forwarded the recommendation to the RGI (Census) for consideration”, the release states.
The association has expressed confidence that the RGI(Census), GOI will give a positive feedback and that all the eleven left out communities of Sikkim will be recognised as Scheduled Tribes under the Constitution of India; along with the various communities from the other six states; at the earliest.

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