
Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Sikkim should consider enacting an anti-racism law
Respected Sir
This is with regards to the very unfortunate incident of hate crimes in the national capital against those from the Northeastern states. The recent instance of Sikkimese students leaving Himachal Pradesh, was not even mentioned in the national media, why? Why was it not made an important issue? Are we less Indians than other Indian citizens or was our government too meek to stand up and fight for the students’ rights or was the national media never allowed to enter the state? A thousand unanswered questions that deserve answers and accountability from the representative of the people. Even now it is not too late to demand justice for the helpless students.
Racism in particular has no colour and Sikkim is not immune to this disease, we cannot just shout about the injustice meted out to North Easterners in other parts of the country while our very own backyard is dirty. There have been a number of hate crimes in the state against outsiders or students from other states residing in Sikkim. The two cases which I remember are the Manipal University case (fight between the locals and outsiders) and the death of a student from Manipal (where he was mercilessly beaten and succumbed to his injuries). As always the law is taking its own course. The state should ensure a speedy trial for these cases and the government needs to seriously look into the matter.
Sikkim is a preferred destination for outstation students and it’s a tourism hotspot too, so this calls for a strong anti-racist law to be enacted in the state legislative assembly so that such hate crimes can be dealt effectively and can act as a deterrent for the future. This will probably set an example in the nation and as always we should be the first state to get rid of this disease of racism. Let’s begin the journey of a thousand miles with a single step first!
Yours truly,

Bibek Rai [recvd online]

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