
Friday, January 17, 2014

Rai Brothers lift Tiger-5 cup in Namcheybong

GANGTOK, 15 Jan: ‘Rai Brothers’ emerged victorious in the finals decided through penalty kicks to lift the Winter Soccer Tiger-5 tournament organized by Nagbeli Pragati Sangh at the Namcheybong public ground. The tournament attracted the participation of 40 teams from the Pakyong sub-division and was played from 25 December 2013 to 13 January 2014.
The final match was played on Monday between Rai Brotehrs and ‘Marcus’, a press release from the organizers informs. The final day had Kuber Rai, executive member of the Sikkim Democratic Front as chief guest accompanied by Deena Rai, Panchayat President and Salina Subba, member of Namcheybong GPU, as guests of honour.

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