
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Poklok-Denchung release 42 CMRHM allotment orders, launches scheme to support underprivileged families

NAMCHI, 10 Jan: Poklok-Denchung Gram Panchayat today handed over 42 allotment orders for constructions under the Chief Minister’s Rural Housing Mission (CMRHM) for beneficiaries of the GPU.
The Ecclesiastical Department chairperson, Lakpa Ghishing, was present as chief guest for the programme.
The Poklok-Denchung GPU also today launched its scheme through which 10 underprivileged families of the GPU were provided with support of 10 kgs rice for each month till the term in Panchayat.
Panchayat President Gyalpo Lepcha in his address informed that ten families selected for the 10 kgs free rice till the end of the term of the present Panchayat were selected when they were found “backward” in their respective villages but not counted among BPL families. He informed that the Zilla Panchayat and Gram Panchayat members were contributing towards this scheme from their salaries.
Addressing the programme, Mr. Ghishing said that the SDF Government has provided every possible opportunity and extended every possible benefit to the people as promised. He underlined that the work of the SDF government in Sikkim was “unique and praiseworthy” and contended that other states have not extended such schemes and benefits to its people.
He further said that people should assist the government on its mission and give continuation to the development initiated here. He also lashed out against detractors of the State Government, accusing them of resorting to misinformation and baseless allegations.
Youth convener Arjun Rai, in turn rued that the youth were allowing the opportunities created by the government to pass then unheeded and urged them to hone their competitive skills.
GVA-Jorethang Deepak Rai informed out of total 200 CMRHM allotments for Jorethang GVK, 79 had been allotted in phase-I. He further informed that 34 houses have been completed and handed over to the beneficiaries and 79 houses are now in the final stage of completion.

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