
Monday, January 27, 2014


This is for information to general public that power supply to parts of North Sikkim was partially affected during afternoon of 21st January 2014 and has remained cut-off since morning of 22nd January 2014. Main areas affected are Upper Dzongu, parts of Lower Dzongu, Pentok, Mangan bazaar and surrounding areas. This blackout has been caused by failure of Phodong-Mangan 66 KV transmission line between Phodong and Namok coupled with some technical problem in the 66 KV Power Transformer installed at Mangan. All out effort is being put in to repair the fault and restore the power supply to the affected areas at the earliest. The entire team of engineers led by the concerned Chief Engineer is presently camped at Mangan for the purpose. The fault in the 66 KV line has been rectified today morning i.e. 25th January 2014 and the fault in the transformer is also being attended to. Efforts are being made to restore the power supply within 25th January 2014 itself.
The department would like to extend their sincere regrets to all the members of public from the affected areas for the great inconvenience caused and would request them to bear  till the power supply is restored.
Courtesy: IPR Department, Govt of Sikkim

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