
Friday, January 17, 2014

Kagyu Menlom concludes in Bodhgaya - WANGCHUK BHUTIA

BODHGAYA, 16 Jan:  The 31st Kagyu Menlom which had started on 04 January concluded today here at Terger Monastery in Bodhgaya in Bihar. The prayers saw the participation of more than 8,000 monks and 20,000 devotees from India and abroad. The Menlom was led by Karmapa Ugen Trinley Dorje along with eminent Rinpoches from different monasteries.
From 04 to 06 January, the Karmapa gave talks on ‘The Torch of Certainty’ and various other topics related to Buddhism. Between 07-10 January, prayers for the Embodiment of the Three Jewels were held.
The Karmapa also oversaw the display of an immense 30-foot, appliqué thangka of Guru Rinpoche. In the thanka, Guru Rinpoche is holding a vajra and skull cup, is surrounded by Yeshe Tsogyal, Mandarava, and the Guru's eight manifestations, all of which figure in the practice text of the Tsechu and the lama dance which was performed on the final day of the Tsechu, the tenth of the month.
From 11 to 16 January, prayers for world peace and well being of all sentient beings was conducted as a part of Menlom.
The venue for the Kagyu Menlom this year was shifted to Terger Monastery due to space constraints at the Mahabodhi Stupa premises, Tashi D Lharisang [Secretary, Karma Shree Nalanda Institute Rumtek] informs.

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