
Friday, January 31, 2014

CM hails Sikkim’s progress in education sector

GANGTOK, 30 Jan [IPR]: The Eighth General Body Meeting of State Mission Authority for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) RTE Act 2009 under Human Resource Development Department (HRDD) was held today at the Chintan Bhawan. The meeting was chaired by the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling as the chief guest who is also the President of SSA, Sikkim.
The meeting started with the welcome speech by the Secretary, HRDD, Thomas Chandy who also presented a brief report on the achievements of the government through power point presentation. He also highlighted the objective of SSA which he said is to enroll all children between the age group of six to fourteen years, to provide satisfactory quality education at the elementary level and also to bridge social, regional and gender gaps with active participation of the community in the management of schools.
Addressing the programme, the Chief Minister said his government is working for the progress in the education sector which has set an example in the country. He said that the Sikkim Government has already put the best foot forward in the education sector, introducing many opportunities and scholarships to the children of the state. Along with this the state government is also sending students in the best public schools of the country and abroad for higher studies, he added.
In his speech the Minister HRDD, NK Pradhan said that the SSA project taken up by the government has been successfully implemented. The Government of Sikkim under the guidance of the Chief Minister has given constant support in its holistic approach towards the development of education. He said that the state government is committed to develop the education system and improve the quality of education for the people of Sikkim.
The Chief Minister also released three publications namely Revised Guide book on Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA); Inclusive Education in Sikkim- Handbook on Disability its cases, symptoms and management; and Infrastructure Development under SSA, and documentary film on SSA-RTE.
The meeting was also addressed by Under Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, AK Tiwari, who congratulated the state government for holding the meeting of SSA on a regular basis. He also appreciated the progress of the state government in implementation of SSA under the leadership of the Chief Minister.
The meeting was also attended by the Chief Secretary, R Ongmu, Chairman, SSA, Secretaries including Finance and Expenditure, Health, IPR, and Social Justice Department, DCs, Officials of HRDD and the nominated members of the State Mission Authority and the guests, Assistant Professor, NERIE, Shillong, SK Panday and Professor NBU, Prof. D Chakraborty.

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