
Monday, December 2, 2013

WORLD AIDS DAY IN GANGTOK AIDS awareness in Sikkim still a challenge

GANGTOK, 01 Dec: “People living with HIV and AIDS have always remained in the shadow of social stigma. Even with changing times and changing thoughts within our society, HIV/AIDS still remains a taboo subject amongst the masses. This situation of the people living with HIV is now generating a trend of ‘self-stigma’ among the people with HIV or AIDS, who choose to suffer unattended instead of disclosing their status and availing the various facilities provided to HIV/ AIDS patients,” said the Sikkim Network of Positive People (SNP+) president, Buddha Kumar Sunar, at the World AIDS Day function organized by the Sikkim State AIDS Control Society here at MG Marg this afternoon.
While stating that the society needs to be more open and considerate towards issues that are related to the virus, he added that this year, the theme of World AIDS Day was, “Getting Down to Zero,” which in the present day context meant, Zero Stigma-Zero Death and Zero Infection.
It was informed today that a total of 9 (nine) persons succumbed to AIDS in Sikkim in the past year, with the majority choosing to opt out of counseling, treatment and rehabilitation against the virus.
At present, an estimated 296 persons in the state have been registered as HIV+ve by SSACS out of whom 294 persons are registered as members of SNP+. The organization focuses on providing all necessary requirements, mental and physical, to the victims.
It is SNP+ under the guidance of SSACS that has advocated and delivered facilities like free bus passes for HIV/ AIDS infected persons [to facilitate counseling and medication facilities], distribution of 15 kgs free rice per patient per month, free counseling, testing and medicines for the people living with the virus.
However, the SNP+ president says that the attitude of the society towards such individuals has been hostile with some of the death cases arising because of the lack of understanding and the inability of the victims to rise above the stigma and discrimination that is attached to the disease and avail the free medical facilities and treatment offered by SSACS and NACO.
Project Director, SSACS, Dr. Uttam Pradhan, while addressing the large gathering that comprised of students under the state government’s SAATHI project, NGO members, representatives of different government and non-government organizations, Counselors, members of the Recovering Users Network (RUN) and local gentry, said that out of the 296 HIV+ve cases that have been reported in the state, 9 are children below the age of 10 who were born with the Virus].
With the present mindset of the society still in medieval times when it comes to empathy for the HIV+ve, many of the cases are still going untreated and without availing any help from the support system that has been created for such individuals. It is a pity that people with the disease are still finding it difficult to seek assistance even when confidentiality is guaranteed in the treatment process.
Also present today at the function were the Gangtok Mayor, KN Topgay and Home Secretary, MG Kiran who presided over as the chief guest and guest of honour respectively.
“Self-stigma is one of the main reasons why such individuals are being left out of availing all these facilities. In the process, they are compromising their remaining days. Understanding that there is life after HIV and AIDS is what needs to be advocated among the masses. Apart from prevention and cure, managing the already infected persons is now an area that we are looking at seriously,” stated the SSACS Project Director.
It was also informed today that the only Drop-in Centre for PLWHA in the state is now being funded under NRHM which is also paying the salaries of two employees at the Centre.
The day also saw musical and dance presentations by children of Funky Dance Group. A signature campaign was also organized at the venue opposite Tourist Information Centre where voluntary blood testing was also carried out. The programme was conducted by Amrit Oberoi, Member, Life Living Free Society, Gangtok.

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