
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Workshop underway on teaching and learning through music

GANGTOK, 09 Dec [IPR]: To introduce music into classrooms and learning, and make teaching as well as learning interesting for the primary students the British Council organized their Pilot Project British Council’s World Voice Project (WVP).
The three-day work shop which was inaugurated today in Janta Bhawan here in the capital saw the participation of primary teachers from most of the government schools and others from the capital.
During the inaugural session the resource person from the British Council introduced the concept of the WVP  to the participants and informed them about the concept which basically meant promoting art integrated learning primarily through music and songs to make the subject interesting and fun for the students of up to class five.
The inaugural session saw the resource persons giving a comprehensive training on how they can actually introduce music and songs in the class room and make learning interesting for the children.
This programme by British council was introduced in India this year in March. The learning through song and music will not only make the subject interesting but also encourage active listening by the students and in the process children will retain the concept through music and songs and for longer period of time, learning needs active listening added another resource person Mr. Grover.
The project has been very successful in countries like Senegal in Africa and Latin America and recently the team had introduced this project in Indian states like Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and now here in Sikkim.
It was also informed during the 1st day of the workshop that this method will also allow learning about different cultures from various other states of India as well as the countries where this pilot project has been introduced. The basic idea is to choose a popular song or music from the region and use it as a tool and an instrument for learning.
The team will also include primary students from various government schools from the capital and introduce the concept of learning through music and songs.

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