
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Teyongsi Sirijunga Sawan Tongnam celebration at Aho

GANGTOK, 17 Dec: The 139th Teyongsi Sirijunga Sawan Tongnam was celebrated in a grand manner at Yuma Mang-Him Aho Basti in East Sikkim today. The celebration, which was organized by Yuma Mang-Him Committee, Aho-Yangtam, mainly focused on encouraging people to preserve and promote their culture, traditions and language.
The celebration had area MLA, BB Rai as the chief guest who was accompanied by Horticulture Board Chairman, DN Sapkota as the guest of honour.
On the occasion, the committee also accorded posthumous felicitations on Late Aita Singh Limboo, Late Sath Kumar Limboo and Late Bhawani Prasad Limboo for their contributions in building the Mang-Him in the area. The felicitations were received by their respective family members.
The celebration started with the offering of prayers by the chief guest and other guests and the people of the area at the Yuma Mang-Him. The celebration also had Dhan Naach and Chabrung performances by youth of the area.
In his address, the area MLA congratulated the committee for initiating various activities for the preservation and promotion of traditions, culture, language and religion. He stressed that religious institutions do not belong to a single community but are meant for all communities and added that everyone should work for its preservation.
Mr Rai mentioned that under the SDF government there is peace in the state and people can practice and follow their religion, culture and tradition without any restriction. Sikkim is the perfect example of a peaceful secular state in the country, he stated.
Speaking on opposition parties, he alleged that an opposition party without any programme or vision has been trying to mislead the youth with false promises. On the same, he urged the youth to understand the situation and not to believe in such false promises.
Mr Sapkota mentioned that the SDF government has been working for the protection of every religion and community in the state. He added that people should take part in the process of developing tourism in places of religious importance.
While placing demands to the area MLA, a Panchayat member, Dagey Bhutia urged the government to promote Aho-Yangtam as a pilgrimage tourism destination since there are many religious sites in the area. He also requested for the carpeting of the PWD Road in the area and further urged people to attend the Gumpa Mela at Changey in East Sikkim on 20 and 21 December.
Sikkim Limboo Literary Association president, SP Limboo spoke on Teyongsi Sirijunga and the importance of Mang-Him in Limboo culture and society, while a senior advisor of the committee, PK Maden spoke on the importance and role of Yeba-Fedangmas in Limboo culture.
The celebration started with the welcome address by president, SB Subba and concluded with the vote of thanks by general secretary, Narman Subba of Mang-Him Committee.

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