
Saturday, December 7, 2013

State to seek more time to decide on 99 MW Lachung HEP

GANGTOK, 06 Dec: The state government is to seek more time from the High Court on the matter pertaining to the “reconsideration” of the termination of the 99 MW Lachunghydel project.
The developers of the Lachung Hydro Electric Project had a meeting with the Chief Secretary, R Ongmu last month [on 18 November] as per the directives of the High Court of Sikkim on the issue regarding the termination of the project by the state government on 21 June, 2012.
The High Court had earlier set aside the order of the state government terminating the 99 MW Lachung HEP on a technical point pertaining to the fact that it had not been a speaking order, in that the termination had not been communicated directly to the project developers by the government.
Thereafter it had been directed by the court that the developers approach the Chief Secretary to present their case; the Chief Secretary, in turn, was to give an opportunity for hearing the project developers. It had also been directed by the court that the Chief Secretary was to conclude the matter and give her decision within one month.
It is informed that the hearing was done in the chamber of the Chief Secretary, and there was, in all probability, more than one meeting on the issue. However, as informed, it is being felt that the time period of one month may not be sufficient to arrive at a decision. As such the State government is expected to seek more time from the court in order to come to a decision on whether or not to allow the project to continue. The developer still has the opportunity to approach the high court in the event that the decision of the Chief Secretary is not in their favour.

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