
Friday, December 6, 2013

People informed that school toilets cannot be kept locked under flimsy excuses

Rongli, 05 Dec [PIB]: School heads and the teachers as well the students must ensure that available sanitation infrastructure and facilities are brought to optimum use instead of keeping it under lock and key on flimsy excuses of inadequate water supply or else. Since sanitation is directly and indirectly related to the performance of a student, the available facilities if desisted from its usage, the major brunt have to be borne by the girl students which may either lead to absenteeism or even dropping out of the school.
This was informed by Field Facilitator, Sumbuk Shri Suren Mohra while addressing the technical session on Total Sanitation/ Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan on the second day of three day Public Information Campaign on Bharat Nirman. Stating that sanitation is not only related to health, but also has wider and larger ramification on the incumbents’ economic and social aspects, he said that household without sanitary toilets will have dangerous repurcusrsion on the heralth of the family and the surrounding neighbourhood.
Similarly, highlighting various aspects of Right to Education, CRC, HRDD Shri KP Dawari informed that even the private schools are supposed to be recognised under this Act. Apart from redefined duties and responsibilities of teachers and students, the Act also emphasises on the role of the local self government and the parents of the students in making Right to Education more effective. Under the RTE, teachers are not only restricted from engaging in private tuitions and business, but are also prohibited to be deployed in different activities by the government apart from census and disaster relief operations, he added.
Aadhar and smart card are supposed to be two different part of the same coin, the former provides with a unique number to the individuals, the latter contains all the detailed data, making it a multipurpose card. Since it is supposed to be linked with many schemes and facilities in the near future, it becomes imperative on the part of every single Indian citizen to have their names enumerated. This was informed by Assistant Director, Census Operation PK Chettri while addressing the technical session on Aadhar and Direct Benefit Transfer.
Highlighting the importance of smart card, he said that the enumerators and operators designated for this purpose are also required to reach the house of those who are physically unable to reach the designated enumeration camp for this work. Besides the original Indian citizens, foreign national residing in India for more than six months or more are  enumerated in view of national security during the enumeration schedule, he added. This is being done not with the intent of extending the facilities, but to ensure that such persons are monitored. Making fervent appeal to the people to get enumerated during the designated camps, he said smart card will become one of the most important documents in near future.
Similarly, addressing the technical session on Prime Ministers 15 point program for welfare of minorities, Assistant Director, Social Welfare Department Shri Vikash Diyali informed that though Aadhar has been delinked under the direction of Supreme Court of India, personal Bank Account in nationalised and scheduled banks including the private banks has to be provided by the intending beneficiary along with required other documents to avail different scholarship under this scheme. Besides the pre and post matric scholarship, merit cum means scholarship is also being provided under this scheme to the students belonging to economically weaker sections, he informed. In view of the ignorance and unawareness on the part of parents and guardians, the school heads and teachers are supposed to play pivotal role in finding brilliant but needy students for the scholarship, he added. The scholarship are awarded to those studying in government including private schools selected in transparent manner, he further informed.
Being a public representative requires knowledge on wider spectrum of governmental activities and programs directed towards upliftment of the common people. Public Information Campaign on Bharat Nirman has been an eye opener in many fronts as it has not only enriched our knowledge on number of flagship programs but also cleared many doubts, Zilla member Ms Srijana Rai said.
Speaking as the chief guest on the second day of PIC at Rongli, she further added, since the panchayats represents the lowest strata of government, every individual member of the panchayats are required to at least have basic knowledge on various schemes and programs directed towards rural development and upliftment of the people. This kind of program will certainly make our people more vigil and enlightened, she added. Further she urged upon everyone present to disseminate the knowledge and information gained during the program with others who could not make it to the venue.
Earlier, Gram Vikash Adhikari, Regu GVC Shri Subhendra Rai highlighted the achievements made in the implementation of MGNREGA and IAY in the area. More than 35 hundred job card has been issued and four hundred different works worth more than 12 crores have been executed in the area, he informed.  

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