
Friday, December 13, 2013

British Council’s World Voice Project workshop concludes

GANGTOK, 12 Dec [IPR]: British Council’s three-day workshop on its Pilot Project World Voice Project (WVP) which got underway on 09 December in Janta Bhawan concluded yesterday.
The workshop saw the participation of primary school teachers from most of the government schools and others along with primary students from various government schools from the capital.
During the valedictory function on the third day, Minister for Human Resource Development Department (HRDD) NK Pradhan was present as the chief guest, the Chief Secretary, R Ongmu as the guest of honour along with officials from HRDD.
Addressing the valedictory function Minister Mr. Pradhan expressed his gratitude towards the British Council and the organizers for coming up with such a nice training for teachers and students of primary level where the basic idea is to choose a popular song or music from the region and use it as a tool and an instrument for learning.
Music gives such a positive vibe that learning through songs and music will definitely be fun for the children while it is a potent instrument and tool for teachers, he said. Even though it may be a little difficult to teach various subjects through popular local songs or song from different countries or other parts of India, it can be used as a very good tool for teaching, he stressed.
The Chief Secretary expressed hope that the trainee teachers will take what they have learnt in this workshop back to their schools and try and replicate it. She also thanked the organizers for coming up with such a beautiful idea.
Guests were also entertained by the songs used as a tool to learn various languages like English, Senegalese, Pahadi [Himachal Pradesh] which were sung by the students who participated in the workshop.
The chief guest also presented mementos to the resource persons; Indrajit Grover, Subanghi Tiwari and Shivani Rawat.
The resource persons from the British Council expressed their utmost joy and happiness for having such a receptive set of trainees and added that it was a wonderful experience working with the teachers and students of Sikkim.

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