
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

‘Trusol Rabney’ performed before placing holy texts back inside Labrang monastery

MANGAN, 12 Nov: After the 2011 earthquake, the belongings of the Labrang Monastery in Phodong, North Sikkim, had been shifted to a house adjoining the monastery. The belongings include holy texts, thankas, statues, etc.
Now, that the major repair works at the monastery have almost been completed, the lamas and the committee placed the belongings back inside the monastery today.
Before placing the holy texts inside the monastery, a special prayer ‘Trusol Rabney’ which is a spiritual purification prayer, was conducted by around 50 monks of the monastery led by the Omje and Tsultrimpha of the monastery. After the prayer, the holy texts were placed in the altar inside the monastery.
In the second session, a ‘Zhiwai Zenshik’ prayer for world peace and a prayer for divine offering was conducted along with the ‘Sang Sorkhyem’. The prayers were also attended by the Chief Secretary R Ongmu accompanied by Diki Ethenpa [Development Commissioner] and the Secretaries of various departments, other officials and devotees.

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