
Monday, November 25, 2013

Triennial Khamsel ceremony concludes at Tholung monastery WANGCHUK BHUTIA

THOLUNG, 24 Nov: The Tholung Monastery in Upper Dzongu hosted the ‘Khamsel’ ceremony from 21 to 24 November during which relics belonging to Lhatsun Chenpo [including his hand-written autobiography] dating back to the 17th Century were put on display for monks and devotees.
This year the Khamsel was held under the aegis of two eminent Rinpoches- Khochen Rinpoche and Dungsey Rinpoche - who offered special prayers before the relics were put on display. A special prayer, ‘Rigzing Sogdup’, was performed by around 50 monks of the monastery led by the Dorjee Lopen and Omje.
On 22 November, ‘Chityer’ Namza and Pechha (holy texts) relics from the 17 treasure boxes were displayed. On 23 November, during the ‘Nangtyer’ other relics like Thankas were displayed. The ‘Chewang’ for devotees was held on the final day i.e 24 November.
The treasure boxes were opened under the supervision of the Department of Ecclesiastical Affairs headed by Joint Director Ketar Sherpa and the Tholung Monastery committee amidst tight security provided by the Sikkim Police. The ceremony was also attended by Power Minister Sonam Gyatso Lepcha, North Zilla Adhakshya Anguli Lepcha, North District officials, panchayat members and devotees.
Monks and devotees from across the country and abroad attended the ceremony.
Among the devotees, 88-year-old Jangbir Singh Chettri from Samdong, East Sikkim and a 90-year-old Amla from Gangtok stood out, having managed to strenuous trek up to Tholung to attend the auspicious ceremony.
“I have come to Tholung after 50 years. I had visited the monastery when I was a Revenue Officer,” shared Mr. Chettri while speaking to NOW! He was accompanied by his grandchildren.
Parman Lepcha (Kongsor Lama) of Tholung Monastery who is one of the oldest monks of the monastery narrated the history of ‘Khamsel Ceremony’. Earlier, the ceremony used to be held among the 12 Mondals of Dzongu and public participation was not so much. However, over the years there has been an increase in public participation with people coming from various places to witness the ceremony, he said.
The ceremony was held at the under-construction Khamsel Lhakang near the monastery. Tholung falls under the Sakyong-Pentong GPU of Upper Dzongu, North Sikkim and there is no human habitation beyond this monastery.
The footpath here was renovated for the devotees and to carry essential commodities. The meals for the devotees were arranged by the committee and first-aid medical team was also provided by Sakyong-Pentong PHSC.
The Tholung Monastery hosts the auspicious ‘Khamsel’ ceremony every three years when the clothes and other belongings of Lhatsun Chenpo are put on display for devotees who come from around the world.
It may be mentioned here that the Tholung monastery which was built in 1789 is one of the most significant monasteries in the state.
According to the history of the monastery, it was founded by Lhatsun Chenpo to safeguard manuscripts and sacred relics from the invading Gorkhas. This monastery holds some rare and valuable scriptures and artifacts. The brass Chorten inside the monastery contains the ashes of Lhatsun Chenpo. The present monastery was reconstructed in 1980, as the earlier monastery was dilapidated, informed a committee member.

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