
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Snow thaws over Nathula, trade resumes

GANGTOK, 06 Nov: Trade at Nathula border resumed today after heavy snowfall last month had forced traders to suspend trade. According to Nathula Border Traders Welfare Association border trade at Nathula had been suspended for more than two weeks.
On 05 November the association with the help of Chief Engineer, Project Swastik cleared ice deposits at Sherathang Trade Mart, Parking yard and along the road upto Nathula Gate to clear the way for trade vehicles, it is informed.
A press release from the association informs that the O.C. GREF, Mr. Chettri of Thegu, East Sikkim helped a lot in clearing the way for smooth trade and vehicle movement.
The road and parking yard on the Indian side have been cleared but due to heavy deposits of ice on the other side of the border, trade will resume only from Wednesday, the release informs.
The association has expressed gratitude to the GREF especially the Chief Engineer for all the help extended.

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